CREW Rally; February 5, 2025

Bargaining Newsletter #11:
Concordia works because
WE do. 

Concordia finally responds on wages; CREW announces strike assemblies

After 10 weeks of waiting, CREW has finally received the Employer’s counter to our monetary demands.

As a reminder, CREW’s demands are:

  • A pay rate of $45/hr as of June 1, 2025

  • Ensuring that our contract hours are not cut across the board

  • A guarantee of basic job security

Over and over, our members have asserted that we need these changes to meet our basic needs, pay tuition, complete our degrees, and provide the high-quality education and research work Concordia depends on.

The Employer sees things differently: They don’t agree that we deserve job security. They won't commit to protecting our contracts from cuts. And they think TAs deserve to make only $32.31/hr as of June 1, 2025 — and all RAs except PhDs should make even less ($24.66/hr for master’s RAs and $19.23/hr for undergraduates).

We know we deserve much better than raises that fall far behind skyrocketing rent and grocery prices. We know we deserve stable and secure work so we can plan our academic careers instead of scrambling to make ends meet. And we know paying us far less than TAs at other Canadian universities shouldn’t be how the administration affords generous raises for themselves while cutting student services.

This is why we unanimously approved a historic pressure tactics mandate at our last General Assembly — and why, in line with that mandate, we have scheduled three Strike Vote Assemblies to decide whether we're ready and willing to fight together for what we deserve.

Let’s win the deal we deserve!


Bargaining Newsletter #12


Bargaining Newsletter #10