BBQ - CREW , 2023
Bargaining Newsletter #5 :
Concordia works because WE do.
After a summer break spent on research, proposal drafting, and other preparations for the upcoming semester, CREW’s bargaining committee is thrilled to resume negotiating the terms of our Collective Agreement (CA) starting next Monday September 9th and weekly every Monday throughout the Fall semester. Our CA defines all of our working conditions as TAs and RAs at Concordia, including: rates of pay, health and safety protections, hiring processes, and many more. In the Spring, our members passed a historic platform of ambitious bargaining demands calling for major improvements to our working conditions across the board.
In the Spring, we made significant progress in several key areas, including:
Our intellectual property rights as student educators / researchers
Improving our administrative relationship with the university
Clarifying our role as workers who are essential to Concordia’s functioning.
For more information, check out our biweekly bargaining newsletter, with more updates to come as we return to the table in the Fall.
Early on in our negotiation process, we secured open bargaining. This means that whether you’re a longtime CREW member or will be starting your first contract this Fall you can attend and observe our bargaining sessions either in-person or remotely. This is a great way to participate in your union’s democracy and ensure that we all see the improvements we need. Register for open bargaining today!
To celebrate our return to the table, we will be hosting a Barg-B-Q on each of the SGW and Loyola Campuses, this September 11th and 12th respectively starting at noon. Come meet your fellow CREW members, learn more about bargaining, and enjoy some delicious (and free!) food in the sun!